K. D. Conway

About K. D. Conway

Mr. Conway grew up in the Los Angeles area and graduated from UCLA with a degree in Economics, and later from USC with a degree in Finance.  He spent 30+ years successfully building four technology companies, including his last company which specialized in linguistic and behavioral analytics.  Mr. Conway now devotes himself to writing, with his current focus being on the Spanish Civil War, and its aftermath.

His first book, Holy Ghost, follows the events in Spain in the 1920s and 1930s through the eyes of three young Spaniards. The book is a work of fiction built on the foundation of the actual events that rocked the country. The second book in his trilogy about Spain in the 20th century, The War Continues, traces the country as it recovers from The Civil War, up until the early 1980s. Mr. Conway is currently working on two books: the final installment of the Iberian Trilogy, To the End of The World, and a novel about the great Spanish painter, Joaquín Sorolla.

When not in Spain, Mr. Conway lives in Florida.